
The the owners’ claims to the assets of the business are called ________. Awards: The Best, Worst, and Weirdest Things We’ve Seen

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A business is an entity that is the legal, commercial, and tax entity of one or more individuals or entities.

Ownership of business assets is another type of entity called ownership. If an entity is owned by a group of entities, the business’s assets are called the “company.” The company is owned by the members of the group, but the members of the group aren’t necessarily the company’s owners. When the company takes on debt, its owners are called its creditors. The company’s owners are the business’s stakeholders.

In business, the term “entity” has many different meanings. Usually, when you hear the word “entity” you are listening to someone speak about how they own something. The word “entity” usually refers to a business entity, a corporation, or a limited liability company. An entity is not something that is only owned by a single person; it is only owned by a group of persons.

The word “entity” can refer to a business entity that owns a corporation, a limited liability company, or a private corporation. For example, in a private corporation, the entity owns a department store and some of its employees. If you want to hire a person to do your job, you can use the term “entity.

You can’t even say that a corporation is owned by a single person.

The word, “entity” is actually a slightly more general term that applies to any kind of entity, such as a business entity or a private corporation. A business entity may have a public entity, a private entity, a school, a hospital, a bank, a gas station, a telephone company, a warehouse, a bank account, a bank account manager, or a public entity. The word entity is used to describe any part of the business.

A business entity is a legal entity separate and apart from the people that own or control it. The owners of a business entity are called the person or entities that own or control the business entity, although the business entities are held by all of the legal entities that own or control the person or entities that own or control the business entity. The owners of any business entity may own or control more than one business entity.

In some cases the owner of a business entity may own several business entities. This is the case with Guardians of the Galaxy, which are the corporations that own or control the Guardians of the Galaxy. Guardians of the Galaxy are owned by the owner of the business entity, and Guardians of the Galaxy are owned by the owner of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Guardians of the Galaxy may own more than one business entity, and the corporation itself is made up of many different business entities. That is to say that the corporation is made up of many different businesses. Each business entity is owned by the corporation itself and the owners of the businesses.

Basically, a corporation is a business entity that owns several other business entities. The idea is that the owners of the businesses are in charge of running one of the other businesses. They are the ones who make the decisions about who will run what business, and they ultimately decide how much money the corporation has to earn in order to survive.

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Wow! I can't believe we finally got to meet in person. You probably remember me from class or an event, and that's why this profile is so interesting - it traces my journey from student-athlete at the University of California Davis into a successful entrepreneur with multiple ventures under her belt by age 25

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